Tuesday 8 January 2013

Tubby Tuesdays | Christmas Celebrations

Heyo all! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year, I know I did! In the weeks leading up to Christmas I had a great time joining in with all the festivities with my family, you know the usual steeling the noms off the bottom of the tree,snoozing and I even helped my Gran with the wrapping...who may I add was less then grateful and told me to bring the ribbon back. Rude.

I don't know how many of you saw but my Mam insisted on sticking me in this red and white fluffy hat and then proceeding to stick a camera in my face. As if this wasn't bad enough she then went and edited it all Christmas like before putting it up on Facebook as an E-Card. Cheers Mam, mind you I got some lovely gifts for Christmas! My Great Granny got me some lovely cuddly toys for me and Ash to play tug of war with and I got a lovely stocking with all sorts of bits and bobs in from my Granny and finally some lovely rawhide sticks and Christmas tree treats from my Mam. I'ma lucky Tubby!

After this lovely giving of food and toys I had a great play in the mound of wrapping paper and boxes before they were rudely taken from me. This is when the humans settled down for food and my mission began of winding around under the table in hopes of food being dropped down to me. Sadly this mission went on failed, however just as I was about to give up my Gran lifted me up onto her lap and fed me the remainder of the turkey on her plate I ate and ate untill I was utterly stuffed...and that's when this happened...
Okay so maybe I ate too much, but that is no reason to take pictures of me! So Christmas came and went and I snuggled up in bed for the night. A few days passed and I wasn't starting to feel too great...However I hear the familiar jingle of leads being picked up so i'ma go off for my walk now. Not to worry though, I'll see you on the next Tubby-Tuesday and continue my Christmas tail!
Love and ME

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