Friday 11 January 2013

Gadi 21 Mineral Nail Kit

Hey guys! So recently I went on a shopping trip to look through the January sales and pick up some make-up storage boxes that I had pre-ordered and while I was walking through the shopping center I was approached by a woman asking if I had a minute to try the nail care she was selling. Now normally I'm quite weary of these people as in my experience I found they're either really pushy in their sales technique and make me feel uncomfortable or are a complete scam. Seeing as I was in a good mood though I agreed and let her mess about with one of my nails and that's how I discovered this awesome little set.

What this kit consists of is a 200ml hand lotion, a four sided nail buffer, some cuticle oil and a nail file and this is how it works. Firstly you file your nails into the shape you want them then you use the buffer, all the instructions for the buffer are on the side of the product so it's easy to follow, and it leaves you with the most amazing shiny nails I've ever seen. It looked as though I had clear nail varnish on! Finally you finish off your nails with the cuticle oil and slap on some hand cream if you wish, quick, easy and looks awesome.

I'm not a huge nail person in all honesty, my hands are super tiny therefore I have almost non-existent nails which are thin and break easily so my nail care goes about as far as slapping some nail polish. However I'm currently in the process of growing my nails out after many years of nail biting and this makes them look so beautiful I don't want to bite them in fear of messing up the manicure. Also I don't know how many of you know this but I'm currently studying science which means when I have a lab class I'm not aloud to wear nail varnish so this is perfect for people like me who can't wear nail varnish because of their studies or profession because it really keeps your nails looking nice. As for the cuticle oil and hand cream I have honestly never used a cuticle oil before so I have nothing to compare that to but the hand lotion really is great, not greasy, smells lovely and fresh (there are three scents to choose from, I got the Ocean scent) and leaves hands moisturized.

The only downside of this product is the price, I went onto the Gadi 21 website to see exactly how much this retails for and found out it was £30. I brought mine from the stall in the shopping center for £20 because the woman serving me gave me a student discount but even then it's still a pretty steep price. The other negative of this product is you can't buy the items separately so if you want a new buffer you have to order an entire new set which I could see adding up very quickly. On the other hand though there's no need to use this more then once a week as the effects do last and on my receipt I was given a three year guarantee where they would replace the buffer surfaces for free however I lost my receipt so can't really comment on the service of that.

So all in all this is a really nice product and I really recommended it if you're into nails or in a job where you can't have painted nails. However I think people who always have painted nails or aren't to fussed about their nails should give this one a miss as it is quite pricy.

So have any of you guys seen the Gadi 21 sets in your local shopping centers? Also are any of you like me and desperately try to avoid eye contact with stall workers so you won't get dragged into sampling their products. Let me know in the comments and don't forget to follow my blog :)

Love and TubTubs

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